Bios and Headshots

Bio (Brief)

Carol Willing is the VP of Engineering at Noteable, a three-time Python Steering Council member, a Python Core Developer, PSF Fellow, and a Project Jupyter core contributor. She was awarded the Python Community Service Award and the Frank Willison Award for technical and community contributions to Python. As part of the Jupyter core team, Carol was awarded the 2017 ACM Software System Award for Project Jupyter’s lasting influence. She’s also a leader in open science and open-source governance serving on Quansight Labs Advisory Board and the CZI Open Science Advisory Board. She’s driven to make open science accessible through open tools and learning materials.

Bio (Detailed)

Carol Naslund Willing serves on Project Jupyter’s Steering Council and works as a Core Developer on JupyterHub and She serves as a co-editor of The Journal of Open Source Education (JOSE) and co-authored an open source book, Teaching and Learning with Jupyter.

She is a three-term member of Python’s Steering Council and a core developer of CPython. She’s a Python Software Foundation Fellow and former Director. In 2019, she was awarded the Frank Willison Award for technical and community contributions to Python. With a strong commitment to community outreach, Carol co-organizes PyLadies San Diego and San Diego Python User Group.

Carol has an MS in Management from MIT and a BSE in Electrical Engineering from Duke University.

Bio (Extended)

Carol Naslund Willing can frequently be heard saying “That’s so cool. How does it work? I would love to learn more about it.” She has enjoyed developing software and electronics and teaching others for over 20 years.

Growing up on the east coast, she was inspired by nature, the arts, and math. Wanting to learn more about those interests, she earned a BSE in Electrical Engineering from Duke University and an MS in Management from MIT. Her education and work experience in small and large companies taught her to respect the value of “using what you have learned to make something better and sharing what you know with others”.

Carol is currently a Steering Council member and developer for Project Jupyter. She is also a three-term member of the Python Steering Council, a Python Software Foundation Fellow and former Director; a core developer on CPython, Jupyter, nteract,’s open source projects, and PyLadies; a co-organizer of PyLadies San Diego and San Diego Python User Group; an independent developer of hardware and software. In 2019, she was awarded the Frank Willison Award for technical and community contributions to Python. Weaving her love of art, music, and nature with wearable soft circuits, she is developing an open hardware project to assist an in-home caregiver with gentle, compassionate support of a loved one with Alzheimer’s.

Today, she spends much of her time learning and inspiring others to blend their unique interests and technology to create something new, silly, beautiful, or helpful.

